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What is National Food Waste Awareness Program ( N.F.W.A.P) ?

An Awareness Program on Food Waste

Vision: To have 0 food waste being dumped into landfill

Mission: Stop Food Wastage and Rescue Edible Food

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☑️To create a tracker for F&B to track their food waste daily

☑️Award 10 F&B in each state for the least amount of food waste created.

☑️To raise awareness of food waste in Malaysia & also to share preventive steps to prevent food waste.

How can you support as a consumer?

Scan the QR code and help us with a survey. We hope with the data collected and feedback, we are able to formulate plans & strategies to reduce food waste in Malaysia.

Besides that, you can also follow us on FB & IG for more updated information 

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Copy of N.F.W.A.P for HLB (2).png
Our current supporting partners (2).png
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