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Calvin Chan

Chief Environmental Officer (CEO), Founder

Calvin chan believes that Malaysia can become a Green Hub for ASEAN. He is also the Penang Green Ido 2016. A Tedx speaker for TEDxUON and TedxBayanLepas. Besides that, he is also The Malaysia Student Entrepreneur champion for Entrepreneur organization. His passion for Green starts at the age of 19. He will continue to do his best with the team to lead Malaysia to become a Green Hub from time to time. Together we are a Green Hero


Jack of All Trades Extraordinaire

A good friend of Calvin since high school, Varmah would always help him in multitude of task whenever possible. From the very start of Green Hero's conception, he has been an active member of Green Hero's growth. He will continue in aiding Green Hero till their vision is realise.




Keeran Shabudin

Creative Ronin (Head of Design)

Experienced, trustworthy, fun. These are just a few of the ways coworkers describe this invaluable member of our team. Keeran Shabudin is truly a joy to be around and makes it a pleasure to come to work every single day.

Joshua Ong

Wizard of light bulb moments

(Head of Digital Marketing)

Joshua Ong came in to Green Hero with a solve motive which is to help Green Hero to build a tribe and also spark a movement to create the awareness that food waste is a serious issue that we need to solve ASAP. He is the man behind the rebranding of Green Hero from Food Plus Life and spark the creation of the GreenHero community. 


Ong Shwen Ling

Head of customer service

Shwen Ling is a person who loves nature and would like to create a positive impact to this mother earth. She strive to put words into action by building a better world through Green Hero's initiatives in food surplus reduction and make a difference to the community. She believes that taking a small step will create a big impact. She also has strength in managing crisis and manages customer relationship very well that brings both sides to a good end if unexpected circumstances.

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