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5 reason why Malaysia should be Happy to celebrate World Environment Day

1) Cooking oil to fuel Malaysia airline

On 5th May 2022, Malaysia has created another date for us to look back in the future because of the great move they do for the environment. What is it? Petronas and Malaysia Airlines are forming a strategic partnership to fuel the plane with bio-diesel that is made with used cooking oil. This helps to reduce the reliance of Malaysia airlines on diesel and switch to a green solution that produces lesser carbon emissions.


The Penang Hill forest is over 100 million years old!

Besides that, the Penang Hill Biosphere Reserve, which comprises 12,481 hectares of marine and terrestrial ecosystems in the north-western part of Penang Island will be counted among a distinguished global network of 714 Biosphere Reserves across 129 countries. It is also home to over 2,500 species

Furthermore. Biosphere Reserves around the world are celebrated for their exceptional biodiversity and distinct social landscapes as well as for their potential to demonstrate innovative ways of living in harmony with nature.

To know more about The Habitat, click the link.

3) Cooking oil used in lorries.

There is a local company known as Fat Hopes Energy that produces bio-diesel. Their products are then bought up by Macdonald's Malaysia to also participate and support in the adoption of sustainability practices.

Moreover according to Mcdonald's Malaysia, up to 124 McDonald’s restaurants have already implemented at least one of the green initiatives that the company has committed to, bringing it well on the way to helping the nation meet the commitment to reduce the country’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Under Malaysia’s Green Technology Master Plan for 2017-2030, the government’s commitment to the Paris Agreement 2015 was to achieve up to 45 per cent reduction in GHG emission intensity of GDP by 2030 relative to 2005 levels".

Hence, that is why Macdonald's Malaysia wants to help the country push its gap closer to achieving such a dream. Well done for supporting Malaysia's green agenda and switching from diesel to bio-diesel.

4) Food Rescue Organization to rescue food

In Malaysia, the rise of food rescue organizations started in 2015. This is because, during that time, the country was in abundance of food supplies as compared to now. This led to so much food waste in Malaysia and also because of many media that highlight such issues, it touches a few people's hearts and awakens their calling to solve such issues in Malaysia.

In Malaysia, most of the food waste come from edible food that could be avoided in the first place such as harvest from the farm, buffet line, daily surplus from bakeries, sushi and other F&B players that contributed to 1/3 of such waste.

This is sad to read and to think about it. Why are we throwing away good food when we can feed the needy instead? Something is wrong here with our society and the system.

Hence, some groups of people who don't wait to wait any longer for the government to intervene to help solve such issues,they set up their own organizations and learn from experience to improve their daily activities.

Time from time, they learn how to deal with the surplus, solve the logistic issue, and also manpower. It was from those experiences, that they begin to grow their movement from year to year so that they can help divert more edible food from ending up in the landfill.

We must be grateful for their existence because, without them, we might not even have a solution to solve the food waste crisis that mostly comes from edible food that goes to waste.

To name a few of the Food Rescue organizations:

1) The Lost Food Project

2) The Assembly Soup Kitchen

3) Pasar Grub

4) Food Aid Foundation

5) Kechara Soup Kitchen


7) Mutiara Food Bank

8) Green Hero

5) Malaysia going SOLAR!

Today's many property developers are integrating solar panels to be built with landed houses. Why is that so? This is because they too want their customers to adopt a green mindset and also to cut down their electricity bill that relies solely on fossil fuels.

Solar companies out there are also coming up with a few affordable schemes for many to switch to solar and stop relying on fossil fuels that produce so much greenhouse gases.

One of the schemes is, Instead of monthly grid electricity payments, users now can divert this expense to offset the solar setup’s cost, resulting in minimal to zero increases in monthly expenses, depending on their consumption. With this, we are witnessing a surge in interest and foresee a rise in residential solar in 2022- Plus Xnergy.

Another scheme that could be finalized soon is peer 2 peer financing for solar installation for households to encourage more households to go for this option for solar panels installation. This will help many to reduce their financial burdens while opting for a green solution.


Lastly, we hope that you and I can celebrate World Environment Day everyday by adopting a green mindset. One of the simplest ways to do it is to bring your own container or your own bag when you are out there shopping for either food or groceries.

Thank You for being a Green Hero and together with you let's do GREEN!

Also, if you will like to buy Nyonya Kuih RM7.50/6 pcs per box for the Salvation Army Penang that is to be delivered next Friday, you may scan the QR code :D. Thank you in advance sponsors for spreading kindness to the children too.

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