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Gratitude towards the Malaysian Green Hero Community.

I have always been passionate about environmentalism.

You and I breathe the same air, drink water from the same source and eat food from the same soil. If all of these are contaminated, you and I will die. I will not want to wake up the next day, knowing my best friends or the people I love die because of climate change or man-made pollution. That is why I am doing all I can to show people that green is the future. Yes, it is true that many still want to neglect that but how long more are they going to deny it until they feel it? Maybe by the time they do, it will be too late.

Hence, I am doing all I can to also influence my friend and the children. The children are the future generation! They are future leaders. We have to start influencing them now like how I am influencing my friends. I am so happy to see my friends are doing some small great green changes in their daily habits. I know we cannot go zero waste overnight but small green habits to minimize your carbon footprint means a lot for the world. I am thankful for the people I met on my green journey and even until today. I am thankful we are doing what we cant to create green changes in Malaysia despite many setbacks but we never gave up to carry on our daily green habits.

Moreover, the support I have gotten from the public ever since I knew my calling was into environmentalism is CRAZY! It was so much! They gave me the push and the encouragement I needed to dive in deeper into this field.

Furthermore, whenever I face the uncertainty of the future, I will always visualize the great good voices and the positives ones I have received from my team, my customers, my friends, my mentors and also the members of the public. I really don't know how to thank all of you for your tremendous support to help me continue to do what I love on a daily basis. One thing for sure that I can think of is to NEVER EVER GIVE UP in what I have been entrusted with. To share about environmentalism, to pass my knowledge, to inspire has always been something I love doing because words do matter to change a person's mindset. I am grateful for all the things that have happened to me and I shall continue to walk with you on this journey.

Thank you for this.

Together we are a Green Hero

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