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GREEN HERO in TAR UC Penang Branch.

Back then in December, I was invited over to share my experience as a student entrepreneur to students from Jakarta and also TARC UC Penang branch. Student entrepreneur is something on the rise in some parts of the world where students have their own biz besides studying that made an impact in the society they live in.

The future is changing. You may have a degree, diploma or any education qualification but that is not what the future seeks anymore. What matters is your soft skills and your critical thinking. In today's world, many companies are looking for critical thinker that help a company solve an internal issue or help them scale from one point to another. I am sure, there are no companies that want to hire a talent that cannot bring in revenue. Everyone they hire is accountable for company performance and their growth over the years.

I have also encouraged the students to start a biz in their university or college years because the skills, knowledge, and experience you pick up from running biz in those years can give you an advantage point in your interview or even your CV. It is easy to start biz but to sustain it, is hard. So share that experience and you will definitely surprise the interviewer.

Besides that, I am also amazed by how the Jakarta Students are well exposed to global issues that they really want to solve. TARC UC along with UNTAR is so supportive in creating an entrepreneurial spirit among the students to help develop intrapreneurship for the students if they were to join any companies for their employment. This helps to create a competitive advantage for the students to compete for jobs in the future. Kudos to both organizations for always thinking of ways to help their students to have better soft skills.

Moreover, there is this one question that was asked by one of the students that I really want to share here. He asked, " Let's say if you fail a biz, how will you find your next business idea?".

I answered, " Is ok to fail. Failure is needed for our success because they teach us things that we don't know. The more we fail and learn out of it, the better we become. I failed in my first business when I started out by collecting electronic waste and recycle them. I burnt so much of my part-time savings and earned less than what I spent. A few months later, I had to shut down because I was making so much loss and I don't have anymore funds to keep it going. I was determined to come back stronger and hopefully, I can find my new business idea.

In the meantime, while I waited for an idea to came to me, I went on to develop my soft skills and pick up new ones too. I learn about entrepreneurship, marketing, sales funnel, participated in a number of entrepreneurship and leadership camps. Those experiences, skills, and knowledge I gained out from it are GOLDEN! Then one day, I found inspiration for my next business. It was FOOD WASTE! I witnessed a waiter threw away a bag of good pastries next to the bin. That night changed me forever and that was how I got my 2nd inspiration to start my biz. Today, it is growing so much better than how I first started my first biz". I said.

To continue, yes, I did fail in my first biz and to look back as well, I did encounter a lot of failures but one thing for sure was that I never gave up in life. That never give up spirit has allowed me to learn so much in life and also made me a much wiser person. Today, at where I am standing, there is much that needs to be done for Malaysia to become a Green Hub. I hope I can do so in a decade time with you! I cannot change the world alone, that's why you and I are going to grow the Green Hero community and we are going to create change by influencing our friends.

I thank TARC UC for acknowledging the importance of soft skills among students and I wish my college could have seen the same back then when I was their student entrepreneur. Sadly, they were too focused on academics and I don't blame them for that. sometimes, people don't see it right now but later when more are into it. That's why there is a saying that says, those who are on the first wave, usually reaps the most benefit.

Thank you TARC UC Penang Branch for having me.

Together we are a Green Hero.

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