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How to repurpose fruits and vegetables? Number 4 will amazed you!

Updated: May 30, 2022

Did you know that 1/3 of food waste happens because of human behaviour?

One-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally. This amounts to about 1.3 billion tons per year, worth approximately US$1 trillion ( .

How did this happen in the first place? This is because the majority of us don't want to buy food that is 2nd grade. Fruits and vegetables that are odd in shape or have too many black spots.

However, those are still edible though. So why reject them and throw them away to the landfill ?

It has been said that all the food produced but never eaten would be sufficient to feed two billion people. That's more than twice the number of undernourished people across the globe (

Crazy right? So, we must change the mindset of many to learn how to prevent food waste from happening in the first place.

Hence, in Green Hero, we have the idea to turn this 2nd grade, rejected, or surplus fruits and vegetables into something new.

New as in by making them into a dish, drinks, dessert, or any other ideas that you could think of to ensure this edible fruits and vegetables are repurposed into something new to be eaten by many. We want people to know that we shouldn't judge a fruit or vegetable by its looks but rather through our senses.

Here are some ideas we could think off and if you know anyone that can help us with such a concept, please do link us up so we can collaborate together to reduce food waste for a better greener environment.

Idea #1

Turning them into juices.

Most of the time in the market, apples, bananas, watermelons and oranges are often wasted in high volume because of their high production, and their sensitivity to external forces makes them ugly but edible.

We have this idea of coming up with a brand line that is backed by this green concert of repurposing rejected and surplus edible fruits for people to enjoy and consume healthy for their diet.

Idea # 2

Catering service from surplus vegetables or 2nd grade.

The ugly look of a vegetable because of its shape or maybe because some leaves on the vegetables are not so pleasant to be seen or consumed shouldn't be considered as non-edible. Humans do have hands to pluck out the affected leaves and continue to consume the rest. Two great examples are spinach and cabbage.

Moreover, this allows people to taste the outcome of 2nd grade and surplus vegetables through their senses instead of just looking at them.

Therefore, turning the 2nd-grade vegetables and surpluses into a new dish will be a great way to combat food waste because many can enjoy them daily for their meal consumption. If you know anyone who is able to cook or do a catering service and wishes to explore this initiative with Green Hero, pls do link us up too so we can work together and make green wonders.

photo credit to :

Idea # 3

Make Gelato.

In Malaysia, there is a company that does Gelato from ugly-looking edible fruits.

The Gelato are made 100 % with real fruits and this helps to prevent more fruits waste.

Well done : The Unusual Greens


Idea # 4

Snacks from dry vegetables.

They are 2 companies that are turning 2nd grade edible vegetables into healthy snacks. This is fantastic for people who like to watch movies or need something to munch on during their working hours to keep them awake during their overtime.

The 2 companies are : Rind Snacks & Seconds Crackers

Idea #5

Sell to farmers. There are farmers out there that want 2nd-grade vegetables, fruits, and bread skin to make animal feed.

Today, animal feed is getting much more expensive because of the raw materials. Hence, many farmers are always on the lookout for any wet market or household that has leftovers, or 2nd grade vegetables to make their own animal feed to lower their cost of production to rear chickens and other animals in the poultry industry.

At the end of the day, the farmers also don't want the people to struggle because of the high cost of living but they just want to help feed people with their effort. So, to do that, they need to keep their cost of production low. If they can't they will need to increase their price so that the farmers too can live well. They too need money for their daily usage. Everything is connected at the end of the day. We just need to connect the dots.

So, now you know the 5 ways, what will you do about it? If you ever have the chance to shop for your own groceries, please do consider 2nd-grade vegetables and fruits that sometimes could be found at the discounted corner of each grocery store or you can buy from the social enterprise that collects them to be sold at an affordable price.

Besides that, if you wish to help us by turning them into juices, gelato, ice cream, or help with the catering service, pls do reach out to us at :

Lastly, we look forward to working with green-minded people who wants to put in good use of their time to make a green difference for the environment. The work-time and pay can be further discussed. Let's chat if you're interested.

Together with you, let's be the Green Hero that Malaysia needs.

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