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Is this the end?

I have decided to close Green Hero starting on 25th December 2020 which is something I have never done in my past 2 years with this company. I believe I have to make some tough calls in the company. Now, I understand very well and also feel the pressure of being a CEO after incorporating Green Hero as a private limited company in 2019. Everyone looks up to you to make the final call and the next move to carry the team forward. If a mistake is made, the CEO has to take his/her stance and apologies.

Hence, I have decided that Green Hero will close from 25th December 2020- 5th Jan 2021 to undergo restructuring. I don't want to waste another year waiting for things to happen. If things can't go according to the plan, we must ask ourselves, what's with the delay? Who is causing it? What can we do to overcome it? It has been said, time is money and it is true. Sometimes, as a CEO, we mustn't be attached to anything in the company because when it is time to make the tough calls, you must execute it without hesitation. If you do, then you will just bring the whole company down into your dilemma. This is something I have learnt recently too.

Furthermore, one of the things I am disappointed with this year is that the dream of having a great mobile app for Green Hero still cannot be materialized. I wish I have that large amount of money and just build the whole damn app. However, I believe this is a path that GOD put me into to find my way to make the app come true without getting any financial aids but to go slow and hopefully find my answer one day if the app can come true? I believe this is one of the best ways one can find its own revenue and allocate some profits that will slowly accumulate to reach a point that the money is sufficient to build the app. Perhaps this could be one great story to share in the future if Green Hero succeeds in achieving the app milestone? Let's see!

Besides that, another potential change in Green Hero is that we will restructure Green Hero boards of directors ( BOD ) and the core team too. In Germany, it is compulsory to have a woman to sit in the BOD of every company that exists. Green Hero will want to follow that path as well and have more gender balance in the team to give equal opportunity to anyone who has the potential to be part of the team to create a greener tomorrow.

Moreover, our revenue stream will also see some changes in 2021. If the revenue stream change, the Biz plan and as well the biz model too. I believe change is good and this will be tough for the team but change is needed if we want to grow and stay with the trend. We need to be innovative and create a service that the market wants to pay for it. We cannot use yesterday's business practice that still stuck in the past when we are advancing into a digital era.

Honestly speaking, I don't know if the change I do is right or wrong but my gut tells me to do it for a better future. If it is wrong, then I will face the consequences and failure too. Anyway, I have always told myself that I will always learn from my mistakes so I can be a better tomorrow. If I didn't have the courage to walk and even stand after I have fallen, I wouldn't be where I am today. The results of who I am today is because of the past experience that I have acknowledged.

So stay tuned for 2021! Thank you for believing in us and this one of the reasons why I am not giving up no matter how tough I been hit by life.I will continue to walk or run because I am fighting for a future not only for myself but for you and I to see a greener tomorrow!

Thank you ❤️ and may you always be well and happy 😊

P.S : I am looking for a potential woman to join the boards of directors and shares will be given too I am willing to dilute my shares too. and we can discuss other benefits as well. Let's talk if you're interested.

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